Beachfront Suites

The Beachfront Suites take pride of place in the natural arc of the tropical landscaping and Anchor Bay beach frontage which affords you direct and easy access to the beach.

A large day bed holds court on the expansive outside deck with full, uninterrupted views to the beach and the many yachts and boats anchored in the Bay. It is here, on the deck, that you can leave your snorkel and fins for the duration of your stay – allowing you to swim and snorkel on a whim at anytime of the day or night.

Natural interior tones and fabrics provide a soft backdrop to the richness of the blues and greens of the landscape, sky and sea framed through the soaring double glass doors and day bed. The luxury bathroom is drenched in natural light and overall ambiance is one of tranquility.

Beachfront Suites are loved by those wanting close proximity and access to the beach and wonders of the Anchor Bay waters.

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