Villa GalliciAix-en-Provence, France

Offer ID: H12250

Information, amenities and pricing are subject to change without notice. While we do our very best to ensure that information and pricing appearing in this website is complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for incomplete and inaccurate representations, which may or may not be under our control. In the event of an error, misrepresentation or omission, we reserve the right to make a correction. Note that during these unprecedented times, local government regulations may inhibit hotels from providing normal facilities and services, limiting the ability to provide the listed amenities/benefits.

Click on the red marker to access driving directions and more.

Driving direction for Marseille airport (MRS) to Villa Gallici:
  • Take the D9 in direction of Aix-en-Provence
  • Follow the «Autoroute du soleil », in direction of Marseille / Aix-en-Provence.
  • Carry on the N296 while following the sign Avignon / Lyon / Sisteron
  • Rejoin the N296 while following the sign Gap / Digne les bains / Pertuis / Puyricard
  • Exit and take the “route du Puy Sainte Réparade” / Puyricard / Oppidum d’Entremont
  • Turn right on the Avenue Fernand Benoit (810 m)
  • Carry on the Avenue Philippe Solari (940 m)
  • Enter into Aix-en-Provence
  • Carry on the Avenue Pasteur
  • Turn left on the Rue du Chapitre (180 m)
  • Turn right on the Avenue de la Violette (130 m)
  • Villa Gallici is about 20 minutes on your left.

Nearby Airports

MRS Marseille [Marignane-Provence], France 19 Miles